Sunday, March 18, 2012

P is for Paris.

P is also for pee. Which is what the entire city of Paris smells like. Sorry to any Parisian folks, but your  city stinks.

Otherwise, here's my trip (yes, from October) in a nutshell:

  • My French sucks. One lady even had to slowly repeat "MA-YO-NNAISE" several times.
  • I could live on baguettes alone.
  • Hot chocolate in America is bullshit.
  • Parisian men have fantastic hair. Fantastic. Amazing. 
  • I can get lost in a paper bag.

But man...what an amazing trip. I've found that I love traveling alone. And I spent my birthday evening on a terrace looking up at the Basilique du Sacré-Coeur, dining on duck, pastries, and champagne, with new friends from all over the world. How was your last birthday?
I don't care if Notre Dame is a tourist-laden nightmare. Amazeballs.
 Loved this bridge. Loved.
 Pretty sure every Disney character ever lives here.

1 comment:

Sara Louise said...

Traveling alone is wonderful!
And yeah, that's the Disney retirement castle. They're all there, all of them.